Nutrition – A Simple Guide To Food Ingredients And Nutrient Intakes


Nutrition – A Simple Guide To Food Ingredients And Nutrient Intakes

Food is any substance eaten to provide nutrition to the organisms. Food is generally of animal, plant or bacterial origin, and has vital nutrients, including proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, or any mixture thereof, which the body requires for normal growth. The body breaks down food into a variety of substances in order to keep the metabolism running well, including energy, vitamins, and minerals that are specific to various organs or tissues and help ensure normal function of those systems. There are several important functions of food in the human body, including regulating body temperature, controlling blood pressure, promoting digestion, preparing the internal organs for the next step in digestion, and storing nutrients that are used by other parts of the body. Some food actually acts as medicine, acting as stimulants or antioxidants to fight disease or aid in recovery from injury.

Because food processing techniques have improved tremendously in recent years, the number of food additives used to increase product stability has been on the rise. This practice has greatly contributed to the increased number of food-borne illnesses over the past twenty years or so, as well as to the rise of overweight and obesity in the general population. Many of today’s popular food ingredients, while naturally nutritious, have actually been shown to substantially increase the risk of certain types of cancer, including breast, colorectal, stomach, esophageal and prostate cancers, among others.

Food that is nutritionally balanced and has been properly processed will provide individuals’ body with all of the nutrients it needs in a reasonable amount of time. The key to healthy eating is making sure to use a variety of whole foods in moderation, especially vegetables, fruits, legumes and grains, along with natural, unprocessed proteins and healthy oils. To learn more about the benefits of following a proper diet, visit Health Coach Training to sign up today.