Fashion – The Influence of Culture


Fashion – The Influence of Culture

The word “fashion” is actually an adjectival term that refers to a specific style or form of dressing, which changes as a fad or fashion develops over time. Fashion is a kind of autonomy and self-expression in a certain situation and context and at a certain time, with a certain set of clothes, footwear, accessories, makeup, haircut, and even body posture. In its broader usage, the word also indicates a particular style or trend defined by the fashion market as what’s fashionable. A popular example of such a change could be the “Hollywood” look which became so popular during the 1960s. In general, a trend is a kind of fashion development which may last for a number of years (a “trend” can last anywhere from years to decades).

Fashion can be both consciously and unconsciously developed. Advertisements are very good tools for developing new trends and fashions, as they let us see what’s hot and what’s not by showing us what’s already out there. Fashion critics, on the other hand, are people who analyze what’s fashionable and what isn’t through the process of comparing what people are wearing to the latest fashion trends. The reasons why a piece of clothing becomes fashionable vary by individual, as everyone’s tastes change with time. Sometimes it’s the color of the garment; other times it may be the cut or the accessories used.

Cultural events are also a great source of new trends, as we can learn a lot from these events. Fashion, for instance, can be a product of culture: certain cultural values resonate throughout the world, giving us hints as to what’s popular and what’s not. For example, if you watch Middle Eastern or African movies, you’ll notice that the dresses worn by women often include elaborate jewelry, bright colors, and flowing styles. These things might seem unusual to Western eyes, but they represent major influences from the regions in question, and their followers are happy to spread the culture around.