The Growth Of Blogging And Its Effect On Online Journalism


The Growth Of Blogging And Its Effect On Online Journalism

In recent years, blogging has become a part of many people’s lives and it is now considered as one of the most popular tools for staying up-to-date with information. Blog (pronounced wehr) is an internet journal or online information-sharing site displaying information either in chronological order or in reverse, the latest posts appearing at the top, most recent first. It is also a place where several authors or a single author can share their opinions on a particular subject. Some examples of blog are blogs that share recipes or news. However, the term blog was originally defined by the English linguist, Mark Twain in his book, titled “The Saturday Evening Post” in 1895.

A blog can be described as a kind of personal journal or online diary, using a complex system of automated feeds for entries, which is updated whenever new information is added. Originally, blog entries were made manually with everyday notes saved in a notepad. With the evolution of technology, blogging was introduced in the late 90s and it gained popularity fast. Nowadays, many people use a blog to communicate and share opinions and views about specific topics. However, blogging is not just for sharing thoughts; it can be used to keep in touch with friends and loved ones as well. Nowadays, it is very easy to create a blog using a word-processing program or your own writing software.

As blogging became a part of everyday life for many people, it became an important aspect of social networking. As more blogs appeared on the internet, it became a popular tool for people to share and find information about things that interest them. This popularity led to many companies offering blogging services and some even pay money to bloggers to post their thoughts on their blogs. As time goes by, blogging will probably become a major component of online communication.