Healthy Food For A Balanced Diet
The word food can have two different meanings. The first meaning is food for human consumption, the second meaning is material used to prepare food. Food is any material used to give nutrition to an organisms, usually food is of animal, plant or fungi origin, and has various important nutrients, including vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, fats and minerals. Modern humans consume foods in a variety of forms such as animal products such as meat, fish, milk, eggs, cereals, etc., plant products like vegetables, fruits, legumes, grains and seeds, and food products made from milk and animal products, which includes dairy products, eggs, cheese, milk, butter, etc. The modern human diet includes a variety of food products, which are consumed for their nutritional content.
A major portion of the human diet is comprised of carbohydrates, which are found in foods such as bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, cereals, fresh fruits and vegetables, legumes (beans) and nuts. Plants, which produce carbohydrates, are eaten for their proteins which include meat, fish, poultry, milk and eggs. Some animal products that produce proteins include milk, meat, goat’s milk, bison’s milk, duck and geese, sugar beets, venison, horse meat and other equine products, and fats, which include butter, margarine, cooking oils, margarine and vegetable oil. The fat that is generally not required by humans is called saturated fat, because it is difficult to obtain and has a high initial fat content.
When a person eats a balanced diet, which consists of all the food types mentioned above, there is an optimum level of nutrient intake, which can be maintained throughout a human life, for the maintenance of health and the prevention of certain diseases. This means that a healthy diet consisting of a variety of food from all the food groups mentioned above will maintain and promote good health throughout a person’s lifetime. And this is the reason why more people are increasingly trying to lead a well-balanced life and eat a nutritious and balanced diet.